Ewald’s Parents


Ewald’s parents, Michael Jospeh Rapp and Amalie Welke, were farmers. The were born and lived in the German Colonies northwest of present day Zhytomyr, Ukraine. At the time, it was in the Volhynian Governorate of the Russian Empire. Michael was born in Janowka (present day, Yasenivka, Zhytomyrs’ka, Ukraine [15]) on 2 March 1880. Amalie was born in Kiseljowka (present day, Kyselivka, Zhytomyrs’ka, Ukraine [16]) on 24 December 1882.


Amalie’s family were baptist while Michael’s were Lutheran. At some point Michael converted to the baptist faith.

Marriage Affidavit

As Michael and Amalie were preparing to emigrate from West Germany to the United States in the late 1940’s they provided an affidavit as part of the required papers for emigration as their marriage certificate had been lost during their time as refugees during World War I and World War II.

Marriage Affidavit

Fig. 1 Marriage Affidavit, 1948


Eidestadtlich erklärung

Ich erkläre hiermit an Eidesstadt das ich
meine Ehefrau Amalie Rapp geb. Samuel Welke
sowie ihre Mutter Luisa Welke geb. Job,
meine Ehefrau Amalie Rapp geb. am 24.12.82.
in Wolynen ort Kischelüfke
an neunundzwanzigsten November in Jahre 1901
geheiratet habe Trauung hat stadt gefunden in der
Freikirchlichen Deutschen Baptisten Kappelle zu Zoratschin
Stattangehörigkeit Deutsch.
getraut von Prediger Samuel Freigang.
Ich bin geb. am 2.3.1880 in Wolynen Ort Janufke
Kr. Schitomier wohnhaft gewesen bei meinem Eltern
George Rapp in Janufke sowie meinen Mutter
Mariea Rapp geb. Kälbert.

Da wir als Flüchtlinge von Ostprueßen unser
Trauurkunde durch den Krieg verloren haben
und sie jetzt dringend benötigen zwecks auswanderung
bitten wir höfflichst uns hier eine Trauurkunde
aus stellen zu wollen.

Unterschrift beglaubigt 		Michael Rapp
Der Bürgermeister 


This translation was made by Daniel Rapp with assistance from Mikayla Robbins

Statement Under Oath

I declare under oath the following. My wife, Amalie Rapp with parents Samuel Welke and Luisa Welke nee Job was born on 24 December 1882 in Volynia in Kiseljowka. On the 29th of November in 1901 we were married in the German Baptist Free-church in the Sorotschen chapel (German nationality). The marriage was performed by Pastor Samuel Freigang. I was born on 2 March 1880 in Volynia, in the village of Janowka in the district of Zhytomyr. My place of residence was with my parents, George Rapp and Mariea Kälbert in Janowka.

As we are refugees from East Prussia, we lost our marriage certificate in the war. We are in desperate need of a replacement due to emigration. We kindly request a replacement.

Signed by Michael Rapp

Notarized by the Mayor, Wittger